Library Days

I put on cute shoes.
Maybe they will make me look put together.
Maybe no one will notice how tired my eyes are.
Meanwhile, she wears this.

Or this.

She finds a cushion and waits.
A twin wearing wolf ears joins her.
A sister accessorizes with a big, beaded necklace.
Their mom wears a t-shirt that says, "Chaos Coordinator."
I smile.
I belong here.
It's 11:30 on Friday.
We wonder who thought this was a good time to read stories to toddlers.
They are getting hungry.
And tired.
All seven little girls take their turn having a melt down.
And yet, we still come.
We juggle babies on hips while helping toddlers with construction paper and glue dots.
We say "Please sit down," a lot.
We talk about family planning and where the best zoo is.
We log reading time and take home more books.

This is motherhood.
And on Fridays, I know I'm not alone.


  1. My daughter is nine now, and I miss storytime. We loved going to the library, and storytime was the highlight of our week.


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