A Word and A Situation

Hello, again. If we could just all overlook the fact that I completely fell off my posting band wagon in March that would be great. I can't tell if deadlines are my enemy or friend. It depends on the hour. But I'm here today and I have words and thoughts and feelings.

For the past eight years or so, I have chosen a word for the year. I love doing this because it gives me something to focus on but there is none of the pressure that comes with making resolutions. Almost every year, the word ends up applying to my life in ways I never imagined. 

My word for 2018 was SIMPLE. In January of that year, I stared at a positive pregnancy test and my plans for the coming year shifted dramatically. I knew that in order to combat the depression I had experienced before, I would need to focus on doing only the most important things. I simplified my schedule, my expectations, my to do list, and my closets. When overwhelm threatened to creep in, I would ask myself, "How can I simplify this?" 

Last year, my word was PRAY. I chose it because I wanted to build a stronger habit of talking to God about everything. As the year progressed, Chad and I were faced with several situations that left us floundering. There were no easy answers or quick fixes. All we could do was whisper a prayer and keep walking.

And that brings me to 2020. I chose the word QUIET. And then the world shut down. And while the headlines screamed and my babies bawled I knew that my choice of word was no coincidence. The quietness that filled the empty spaces in my planner made me want to bolt.

A few nights ago, I sat down on our area rug to do some stretches for tight muscles. The instructor on YouTube said we should start with ten slow, deep breaths. I caught myself trying to rush through them because hello I don't have all night here and I just need to quickly relax my muscles so that I can get some sleep. Never mind the fact that maybe the reason I have tight muscles in the first place is because I haven't taken a deep breath in weeks and maybe they are simply begging for oxygen. Isn't that a crazy thought!

So here I am realizing that I need to view these next weeks/months as a chance to get good at being quiet. Maybe we all do?? Isn't that a crazy thought!?

Also a quick note to future Geneva: Please be very careful in choosing your word for 2021.


  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I enjoy reading them, and want yo encourage you to keep posting. :)

    I use to live a full speed life in Pennsylvania. Today I'm a stay-at-home-mom in a small village in a different country. This Situation with no church services disorient me about which day of the week it is. Each day is filled with more of the same Repetition, so it of no consequence. I'm more content to live this Situation (no social events to miss) than I was content to live the Christmas season (staying home from many events because of a Very New Baby).

    Maybe your next word can be CRAZY. ;)


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