Ten Things I Know To Be True

"Everyone can make a list." -Sarah Kay

I was recently listening to a podcast in which two teachers were discussing how to get middle and high schoolers interested in poetry. They referenced a TED talk given by Sarah Kay and I immediately knew I needed to find that TED talk. I was captivated, fascinated, and intrigued the whole fifteen minutes.

Sarah's method for making poetry approachable is to start by making a list. She asks her students to make a list of ten things they know to be true and ten things they should have learned by now. Something unique always shows up on those lists. Something with a story behind it. Suddenly the student who "doesn't have anything interesting to say" has a starting point for a poem.

You know where this is going, right? I had to make my own lists. First up, is ten things I know to be true.

1. Coffee tastes better when drank with a friend, or acquaintance, or stranger, (anyone, really.)

2. Flannel sheets were created for single, lonely Eskimos living in the North Pole, not happy, married couples living in Maryland.

3. A book can change your life.

4. I came out of depression a stronger, better person.

5. I have finally found the best biscuit recipe.

6. I miss going to the library.

7. Marriage keeps getting better.

8. I'm looking forward to going on a run tonight.

9. God is good.

10. I can cry over a death in a novel but never at a real funeral.

Now, the question is, which number deserves its own poem? I have an idea... why don't you all decide for me?! Leave a comment telling me which one you want me to write about. My next post will be a poem about the number with the most votes. This should be fun. :)


  1. Ummm, hard to choose! So maybe a poem about each one? 😂 But if I had to pick, maybe 2,4,5 and 7.

  2. Most of them sound interesting, but I think I'd pick #3.

  3. All of them! Please! :) Like maybe... one every other day. LOL But for sure #2, #4, or #10

  4. All of them☺
    What I know to be true is that writing is therapeutic for me and the thing I most shrink from is the thing I most need to write about!
    I have a hunch your conclusion to #2 is the same as mine. What we really need is a sheet set that is half flannel/half cotton☺
    Also #8. I have a love/hate relationship with running.

  5. I keep checking back to read the poem about the sheets�� but maybe the poem just isn't taking shape...or maybe youre wishing for more votes? I'll vote for 7...very true��
    Marj G

  6. Hmm it didn't show my emojis. The first was a laughing face. The second, a thumbs up :-)
    Marj G


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