Currently No. 1

This is the beginning of a new series called "Currently." In these posts, I will share what I am currently reading, listening to, thinking about, and living. I hope you enjoy. 

a ginormous book about the Broadway musical, Hamilton. I don't think this book would appeal to many of you (although I don't even know exactly who you are) but it has been a complete delight to me. Theater and acting has always interested me and I adore this behind the scenes look at everything that goes into a production like Hamilton. I also find it inspiring to read about how other artists, such as Lin-Manuel Miranda, write and work and create. And lastly, I love when historical characters are showcased in such a way that makes them feel real. This book is just ticking so many boxes for me.

to this episode of The Next Right Thing Podcast. It's a must listen for any creative person wondering if their art matters. 

about friendship in marriage. Chad and I have been talking about the fact that before we were parents, or lovers, or spouses, we were friends. The craziness of life can easily crowd out that friendship if we aren't intentional about preserving it. I'm so grateful for a husband who is committed to being my friend. 

in our neighbor's swimming pool. This summer with these girls has been a gift in every way.



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