What I Learned in September

A while ago, I signed up for Emily P. Freeman's email newsletter. While I don't agree with everything about her Christianity, she always makes me think. At the end of each month, she shares what she learned that month. Some things are profound. Some things are silly. 

I decided to try this practice for myself. I struggle to live my days with intention. I thought this might help me slow down and take notice of the life right in front of me. I loved it so much! As I look back over my list, I can see where God showed up and the little ways he's changing me. This is such a lovely way to close the month. I look forward to starting a new list in October.

Things I Learned in September

1. Having a plan for winter lessens my dread of it.
I bought two things to ease the darkness I feel in the winter.... a pair of earmuffs for walking on the days when its 20 degrees and windy and a light therapy lamp for the days the sun forgets to shine. 

(Please enjoy this very authentic photo I sent to my mom and sisters the day my earmuffs and lamp arrived. This is who I am, people. I can make myself laugh by taking goofy photos and also battle extreme darkness. I contain multitudes and it's so complicated. Haha!)

2. Sometimes, the things God gives us scare us half to death.
Perhaps, I will write more about this later. Right now, I'm still processing it. 

3. Write for the person who needs your words.
I can think of a hundred reasons not to write. I need to kick those reasons out the door and keep writing for the person who says, "Thanks for putting into words what I was feeling."

4. The iced pumpkin spice latte from Dunkin' is perfection.
Dunkin' Donuts has set up shop right beside Aldi. It's like they know that small children might need a donut incentive to behave while shopping and that mothers of small children might need a coffee when the whole ordeal is over. 

5. If it's not my circus, don't worry about the monkeys.
I have no control over other's choices.
I have no control over other's choices.
I have no control over other's choices.
I shall keep repeating this until the end of time.

6. Hearing my mom say, "I'm excited about this thing your doing," means just as much when I'm twenty-seven as it did when I was seven.
I hope and pray that I can be the rock and support for my girls that my mom has been for me.

7. Small is the best place to start.
I've committed to walking outside every day this winter, even if its simply around the perimeter of our five acre property. Getting outside and moving my body doesn't need to be big and complicated. It just needs to be doable. 

8. I love using single word writing prompts.
I participated in a writing challenge this month that provided one word prompts to launch off of. I loved it! I'm thinking of incorporating this style of writing into my blog. 

9. When I started writing for you, I quit writing for myself. 
I filled journals with my words for a decade before I started sharing them with you. I'm trying to get back to writing simply for the clarity it brings me. Not everything has to be publishing material. I want to start filling journals again.

10. No one forgives better than a child. 
I am not always a very nice mother. This week, my daughter offered me forgiveness and loved me in spite of my glaring failures. I have much to learn from her.

Now, its your turn. What is one thing you learned this past month?

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  1. Well, this year has been full of lessons! But for this month. . .
    1. I read The Beauty of God’s Headship Order by Mark & Starla Schlabach and learned more about the headship order/veiling. Also studied modesty/dignity a bit and was challenged!
    2. God is pursuing me. His love is chasing after me. I just need to be still and accept that. (You can check out Love Pursues and Love Pursues, Part 2 on my blog for more explanation. ��)
    3. I need to open my eyes and heart to the good that is around me, especially in the moment. I tell myself things are going to be bad or I'm going to be miserable or whatever, and then I focus on that, almost try to prove myself right. But really, there's so much good, so many memories. I want to be more thankful, but I can't do that if I don't look for the blessings in the first place.
    4. A bit of solitude and silence between being with people does wonders for my introvert self!
    5. Plain roasted marshmallows are really, really good. No chocolate, no graham cracker, just marshmallow. *chef's kiss*
    I loved reading your post; thank you for sharing!

  2. I learned....
    1. That healing & "good days" are a gift -unmeritted!
    2. To live fully in & treasure the moments with the people around me right now!
    3. That I love making & decorating cheesecakes!
    4. That no matter where I go God brings people into my life to meet my needs in ways I didn't ask for (kind new boss who sees the low tire on this single girl's car and sends his son to fix it for me before the day is over!).

  3. Geneva, Thank-you for your inspiring words. I hope you continue to write for a very long time!!

    My September's lesson, Forgiveness. Forgive, even when that one person gives you very reason to walk away. Forgive, even though they do nothing to deserve it, Forgive. Do it for yourself, you will find freedom.

  4. This reply is LIFE!! I love the last part, "But at a time when living was a struggle instead of a blessing, i learned an incredibly important lesson, THERE ARE NO RULES." Thank you for this!!

  5. Geneva, thank you so,so much for this article, it resonates so much with my last couple weeks!! One thing I learned recently was "you can be there for a struggling friend, but you CANT carry their burden." I may have had a small meltdown recently, when a wise woman told me I can be there for my friends, but I simply can not carry their burdens. This is something I'm still working on, and hoping I'll eventually learn. Thank you for your inspiring words!!!

  6. Something I learned in September
    That God is showing me he is still there helping me. All I need to do is look for the signs. God knows what brings me joy in my life and he puts it right there in front of me to bring me joy.
    Sometimes you have to close your eyes so you can see things more clearly.
    Geneva thank you.


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