Reflection and Anticipation

School starts in fifteen days. It feels like we are on the last leg of a marathon. This summer has held SO MUCH for my little family. Looking back, I can see a lot of growth that came from this season. But I also can't forget all the blood, sweat, and tears that accompanied that growth. Growth is beautiful. And grueling. Always both. 

Chad was ordained as a minister for our church right after school got out in May. I wish I was a person who could navigate Big Changes with lots of grace and very little angst. But, I'm not. Normally, I cling to summer as long as possible. But, because this summer held so many changes, I am not sad to see it drawing to a close. The faint scent of fall in the air is the proof I crave that seasons never last forever. Today, I'm going to share three things I've learned in this past season and one thing I’m very excited about in the next season.

Three Things I've Learned:

1. If I keep my eyes wide open, I will see God's love surrounding me.

Leading up to the ordination, I decided to look for tangible evidence of God's love. I saw it in the evening hush of the woods, the pink tint of early morning, and the ripple of sunshine across a hay field.

2. The woman kneeling with her husband needs another woman to hand her a tissue. 

When Chad and I knelt for the dedication prayer at his ordination, I couldn't stop crying. It all looked so big. The wife of the other couple in the lot tapped my shoulder and handed me a tissue. In that moment, I realized that leaders are nothing without someone to pray for them, love them, and hand them a tissue when they desperately need it. 

3. There are lots of things that DON'T change after your husband is ordained.

Chad and I still annoy each other and make each other laugh. We still argue about stupid things when we are tired. We still dream and plan and ask hypothetical questions. These things that have not changed are such a comfort to me!

The Thing I'm So Excited To Tell You:

I am writing a book!!!

Somebody pinch me! I've dreamed of this for years and I can't believe its actually happening. I'm not sure how much I can share about it right now but I'll tell you two things. God threw this door wide open in ways I never could have planned. And if you liked my Hope in the Dark series I did last Christmas, you will want to buy this book. ;) 

Finally, here are a few of my favorite photos I've taken recently. I think they capture the end of summer/beginning of fall quite well. 

(Gorgeous, tile floor outside a used book store.)

(Fresh peach salsa.)

(Flowers against a moody sky.)

(Last pool days.)

What is something you are anticipating in the season ahead of you?


  1. Geneva, I'm anxious to read your book ! I tire of taking my teenage son to work, at least I might complain about it sometimes...but tonight I noticed how big the sky is as you near the farm and at the farm. It was just beautiful blessing to have "eyes" to see that tonight.

  2. Also, how doreceive notification of a new bog post. I'm sure I used too. Thks


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