About My Book

Hi.... its the most ordinary Tuesday evening here and I couldn't be happier. Chad and I just finished making a batch of deer bologna together. We are still friends at the end of the process which is a testament to the grace of God. I could write a whole blog post about the role making deer bologna has played in our marriage. But not tonight. Tonight, I'm going to tell you about the book I'm actually writing, using the who, what, when, where, why method.

Who is it for?

It is for anyone carrying questions, grief, or pain during the holidays.

What is it?

It's an advent devotional/journal about twelve characters in the Bible that came before Jesus. These characters held onto hope when everything around them was dark. 

When will it come out?

Christmas of 2023. That feels like a long way away but I'm so glad I don't need to rush the writing process.

Where am I writing it?

In a literal notebook, because blank documents on my computer scare the words right out of me. At the library, because I can't see the laundry piles there. At the AirBnb, because its such a calm space to think in. At McDonald's, because I can watch the sunset from there. At Panera, because their chai tea latte is perfection. And in all the tiny pockets of time between school pick up and doctor appointments and funerals and camping trips and scrubbing the toilet and reading bedtime stories. 

Why am I writing it?

Christmas can be beautiful. Christmas can also be heart breaking. When my parents separated in my teens, there were so many Christmases that I longed to skip entirely. This is the book that I needed fifteen years ago. I hope and pray it will be a helpful resource for women walking through darkness when it seems like the rest of the world is celebrating. 

And there you have it! Thank you so much for the excitement you have shown for this little project. It gives me the incentive to keep writing even when I don't feel like it. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm looking forward to reading it!!

  3. You know this already, but I think this is a most exciting thing!

  4. This book sounds like one so many will benefit and be blessed by! I pray you enjoy the entire process....and hope one day I will be able to read your book!


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