Hope in the Dark - David

A would-be king huddles in the dark of a cave.

Like a hunted animal,

Scared to move, trying not to breath,

For he is not the only king in that cave.

David was anointed,

Yet wears no crown.

He was chosen,

But runs for his life.

He fought a giant for Saul,

Now Saul is the giant his men beg him to conquer.

Will David fight,

Or let God be his fortress?

Will he despair,

Or let God be his deliverance?

Will he see the darkness as a curse,

Or as the merciful shadow of the Almighty?

David lays down his sword,

Knowing that even in the dark,

His Lord still sees.

Nothing is hidden or overlooked.

He promises that evil will not always win.

And that new life will emerge

From the brokenness of David's line.

Even now, a Star is rising. 

A piece of music for your week.

The inspiration for this piece was taken from Psalm 91, which David wrote after his encounter with Saul in the cave.


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