life at random

I imagine our children finding our Instagram accounts twenty years from now and wondering why in the world we were so obsessed with taking pictures of our coffee cups.

I was browsing in the garden section of Walmart and found a little display of house plants on clearance. I decided I would buy one. I picked up plant after plant and would instantly feel sorry for them. The plant survival rate is not high in my house. I didn't want any of them to suffer. An old little lady was also browsing. Somehow we started talking and I told her I kill every plant I bring home. This was her response, "You're going to think this is crazy, but when my granddaughter was little I told her to pray for Nanny's plants because I killed every one too. She said 'Dear Jesus, please help Nanny's plants grow.' And those things grew! Now she's twenty years old and isn't around to pray over my plants. Have your little girl say a prayer for them and they will grow." I didn't think she was crazy. I desperately needed the reminder that nothing is too small to pray about. She assured me the ivy plant I chose would do well for me. It has survived its first few weeks here on the farm. So far so good.

I took the Meyers Briggs personality test for the second time. I had taken it a long time ago but couldn't even remember what I was. After reading a lot about it lately, I was curious. I wasn't sure how to answer a few of the questions so I asked Chad if I do or don't do this or that. He started looking over my shoulder and saying the answers to more questions. And he was answering them COMPLETELY OPPOSITE of how I was answering them! 
Meyers Briggs: Do you usually plan your actions in advance?
Me: Yeah, I think so.
Chad: Honey, you never have a plan! :)
Well, what exactly is considered a plan? Seems like a relative term to me. Just because I don't know the measurements of our future kitchen cabinets by heart does not mean I don't I don't have a plan. :) But that is getting into a whole other subject! So I'm wondering if maybe we shouldn't even be taking these tests ourselves. I think we might get a more honest result if our husbands or best friends answered the questions. It told me I am an ENFP. In my own words, that's basically a slightly awkward mix between introvert and extrovert. We really don't know who we want to be. While Chad was sleeping, I read that ENFPs can be plagued by erratic sleeping patterns. The irony of that did not go unnoticed. I shared this new information with him at 5:02 the next morning. He said, "Well that's certainly true." And he smiled. Very few things make him do that at 5:02 so I considered it a win. :)

I was putting away some clothes that Vienna had outgrown. I threw away a badly stained onsie. And a few hours later I yanked it right back out of the trash because only the front was stained and the back could be used to make cute hair bows. This is now the third piece of fabric I have salvaged with the intent of making hair bows. Who am I becoming? I am not a crafty person in any way and I will be totally shocked if I ever actually get around to using these snippets. Maybe I'm just fantasizing over the idea of needing to use hair bows. At fourteen months, my daughter is starting to notice that Mommy and Daddy have something on their heads that she doesn't... hair. All good things take time, child. 

Please tell me, what is a mother supposed to put in her purse when she's going on a trip without the baby? Taking out the pampers, wipes, Desitin, baby Tylonel, sippy cup, crackers, extra outfit, and the kitchen sink leaves a purse looking quite vacant. Perhaps a large, dark chocolate bar would help fill in the gaps.

If you like instrumental music, you will love Michael W. Smith's version of The Truibute/Agnus Dei. In my opinion, its everything instrumental music should be. Here's a link. Enjoy and have a lovely week!


  1. That old little lady had a great idea! Ah yes I remember when I taught school my kiddos would bring me a plant and I'd display it on the window sill until it started looking a little stressed and then I'd wisk it away to my house where it would die in peace. Then I'd fervently hope the child would not ask about it. Somhow I have a few plants now that are alive and well. One of them droops alarmingly when it needs water, then I remember to water them all. That helps :) also not to have them on little people's level. One plant of mine kept getting jerked out of the soil by a baby girl and replanted til it couldnt take the trauma. One plant got literally harvested. One boy pulled the leaves off and the other boy ran them through his toy chopper and shredded them. That plant did not survive.
    Keep writing-it is all so interesting :)

    1. This made me smile. :) my plants have known nothing yet.... they are all out of reach of small hands. But not for long I'm sure. :)

  2. I am laughing at the purse problem! Delwin planned a surprise date night Saturday evening....and i left my purse in the vehicle. it was way to diaper bag looking and I hadn't had the forthought to grab another one.

  3. Thanks for the good laugh. Just what I needed on a slightly stressful day.


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